Monday, March 16, 2009

MOM's Tattoo touched up :)

Some of you may know that my mom had been diagnosised with cancer and had been battling it for the past 9 months. She became weaker after every chemo adventure and had finally just had enough of it. Her last chemo treatment was a few weeks ago and she is still feeling the effects of the poison they put inside her body.

Well, the good news came that she is now cancer free and hopefully will stay that way. There are some other problems in relation to other organs in her body, but nothing as serious as cancer.

Still, through it all, it has been a rough time for her. Nothing can prepare you for the diagnosis of cancer and the effects it will have on your body both physically and emotionally.

I got this tattoo to symbolize my mother. She has been my best friend and the one person I SWORE I was never going to be like when I was a child. lol... On most days I hear myself saying things to my children and I am reminded, that I am my mother!

This tattoo was done back in September 2008 but needed to be touched up and did that this month. Here's to always remembering what my mother went through and knowing it will make her the changed women she is yet to become.